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Before you say your goodbye’s

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Saying goodbye to the people you love and care about is always tough, so make sure you spend some quality time with them before you pack up and leave.

This extra time is invaluable and you will be glad that you made room in your schedule for it. Your friends and family will feel happy that they have seen you and spent quality time with you before you make your big trip.

If you really are running a tight schedule and can’t get around every person individually then why not arrange a meal out with your close friends and then another one later for your family. That way you see everyone at once and keep everyone happy.

And even if your mother in law is the most annoying person on the planet or your friend drives you mental, you will be glad you said your goodbye’s properly and didn’t leave anyone out. Saying your goodbyes properly will help you in the long run as after a few months in your new home, you are bound to feel a bit homesick and can look back at your family life back at home fondly, rather than worrying that you didn’t see everyone before you left.

When you are packing your belongings be sure to save room for momentos at home. It may be tempting to leave photos or favourite foods at home to save space but in the inevitable moments of homesickness that will come, pictures of your friends and family, you favourite jumper or your favourite CD will go a long way into making things bearable through those tough times.

Once you arrive in your new country and settle in the initial overwhelming feeling often gives way to a craving for your comfortable and familiar life back at home. Little things like driving in your car to the shops rather than getting the bus can become annoying and you start to question why you moved in the first place.

Having a good attitude will really help you get through the tough spots. Instead of constantly comparing the new country to your home country, try to appreciate it as an entity on its own.

And if the homesickness is really bad, instead of moping about it feeling sorry for yourself, do something active to combat the sad feelings. Look through old pictures, listen to your favourite music, grab some new friends over for a bite to eat or head out for the day on a nice walk to clear your head.

Keep in touch with family and friends while you are away by writing letters, texting, phoning, emailing as well as free web cam conversations via programmes such as Skype. This will help you feel a sense of familiarity about home and will help keep you going through the tough times.

If you need help shipping your personal belongings or don’t even know where to start when it comes to packing, visit Robinsons removals today, the company expert in international removals wherever your destination may be.


Photo Credit: Unsplash