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Expert guide to moving in Europe

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

More and more Britons are choosing to move home and set up elsewhere within Europe. Europe has become a hotspot for relocation and Denmark is proving really popular; it was named the best country for work-life balance last year by the OECD Better Life Index.

In fact Northern Europe dominated the list, taking almost all of the top 10 rankings as the best countries for work-life balance. The top 10 consisted of Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, and France.

So have you been considering moving to one of these destinations? There are a lot of things which you need to take into account. Here is an expert guide by Robinsons on moving in Europe.


It is a very important decision moving abroad and not one to be taken lightly. The location that you choose needs to be carefully considered; try visiting the place beforehand and talking to the people. Research the country thoroughly; what is the health care like, education, employment, climate and lifestyle?

Before moving: 5-6 week mark

There are various tasks which you need to complete and the below check list should be completed around the 5-6 week mark. If you have not done any of these tasks, get started quickly!

  • Check that your passport and visa is valid
  • Do you need a permit to work or reside there?
  • Book your tickets and travel documents
  • Get all your personal documents together; marriage certificate, birth certificate and medical records
  • Notify educational establishments
  • Inform your bank/building society, dentist, doctor, insurance company, telephone company and solicitor. Also notify your internet/cable provider, HMRC, vet and DVLA.
  • Cancel all subscriptions such as sports clubs and magazines

Before moving: 3-4 week mark

  • Take out insurance
  • Sort through all your belongings and start to get rid of any items you do not want to take with you
  • Ask your utility providers for final billings (water, gas and electricity) and pay any outstanding amounts
  • If you are renting your current property, notify the landlord and cancel all rental agreements
  • Start to run all your food stocks down; try to only buy what you need and use what you have

Before moving: 1-2 week mark

  • Notify Royal Mail to forward all your mail
  • Clean your house to ensure it is ready for the next tenant
  • Arrange for house plants to be given to other owners
  • Arrange for the mains services to be disconnected
  • Do you need someone to look after your pets or children on the moving day? Arrange for care
  • Do you have any items on loan like a DVD? Return it.
  • Ask your kids to empty their lockers at school
  • Empty your desk/locker at work
  • Cancel all subscriptions such as newspaper and milk

Before moving: 1-2 days before mark

  • Speak to the neighbours to ensure there is sufficient parking space for the removal vehicles
  • Arrange all the items you need to when travelling; clothes, currency, money, tickets, keys, passports, documentation.


Photo Credit: Pexels