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French properties a good buy

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Experts have advised that people looking for a property in France could find themselves purchasing a good property.

Research by Shelter Offshore, suggested that the French housing market will be able to provide potential buyers with the opportunity to secure ‘an excellent purchase.’

People looking to move abroad for investment reasons were advised by the website that there is money to be made from rental yields  with the French country been regarded as a holiday favourite especially among British citizens.

Shelter Offshore – the news provider – offers advice to British citizens looking to move abroad. They suggested that moving abroad can take a great deal of research in order to find the perfect property at affordable prices in a location that suits a person’s needs and requirements.

“An investment in a property in France can be a very slow burning, steady commitment that can return you decent capital appreciation as well as rental income,” it suggested.

Christopher Chad – head of research at Property Frontiers – added that France will continue to be a popular location for British citizens looking to move abroad, due to its close proximity to the UK as well as the low costs and multiple ways of getting there.

If you are considering a move abroad and are seeking help from an international removals company, then why not speak to Robinsons today.


Photo Credit: Unsplash