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Get clued up when moving abroad

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Moving abroad can be a scary but exciting prospect, but there are a lot of things to consider before you board the plane. Because in reality you are potentially moving away from everything that is familiar to somewhere full of new people, whose culture, language and way of living is completely different and something you are not used too.

On the other hand, a big international move like this can be very rewarding and can make you realise that you way of doing things isn’t necessarily the only way of doing something.

It could give you greater flexibility or mind and open your way of thinking, making you more aware of ideas and the world around you. Even if it’s just a short term arrangement, if you are working abroad many employers value the experience of another culture.

But what are the key challenges when moving abroad? Everyone’s experience will be unique but there is some basic information that migrants will need to be aware of. Here at Robinsons we are here to tell you all about it.

Language and culture

When it comes to living and working abroad, language can be the most difficult barrier to overcome. It is important that you at least learn the basics of the language of your new home, and try and co-operate with locals to show your dedication in trying to learn. If they see you have put some effort in, they will be more inclined to help you.

A new culture can be a big shock but once you learn about it and its meanings, things can become a lot easier to understand and accept. Maybe do a little research in advance, it will provide a great topic point when meeting your new neighbours, work colleagues and acquaintances.


The development of the European Union has made migration easier than ever to move people between its member states to live and work, however there is still paperwork that needs completing and this is something many people overlook. Even those that are working for large multinationals and are being sent abroad as expatriate are not exempt from paperwork. If an EU national wishes to work in another EU member state for more than three months than there are some formalities with paperwork that need to be completed and a work permit does need to be granted.

Once the residence paperwork is sorted out, you will be able to open a bank account and register for things like social security and health care as well as paying tax.

You should also find out whether you need medical insurance in your new country.

If you are moving further out into the world, away from the EU, then there is a lot more paperwork and visa applications to consider so it is highly important you start researching this at an early date.


If you are not 100% sure of the area you are moving too and where the best place is to live, many people stay in temporary accommodation such as hotels or hostels, until they find a suitable place to rent. Renting can be a costly process and some do ask for a six months deposit, so make sure you weigh up the costs to see whether it is worthwhile.

Getting a job

If you haven’t got a job before you go, finding one once you are there can be an even bigger challenge. However there is also the added advantage of it becoming easier to network with other people and you are more readily available to attend interviews.

Worth the effort

If you are ready for the challenge, the benefits are quickly reaped. Make sure you outweigh the pros and cons of the move abroad and what you are moving for and who you are leaving behind.

Don’t leave any loose ends and make sure you are fully aware of everything involved when it comes to a big move.

For information and advice on the packing and shipping of your personal belongings, then speak to international removals company Robinsons today.


Photo Credit: Unsplash