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Managing a winter house move

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

With autumn here, and winter now on the way, many of us will head indoors for the majority of the coming months. If you have a home move planned however, it’s time to start planning.  Organisation when moving is key, however winter weather conditions can wreak havoc with any pre-made plans you make. If you’re planning the move in the heart of winter, removals can be a more difficult prospect. If your moving date is looming, it’s time to make plans to tackle the day, to make sure you have everything in hand, and nothing catches you by surprise.

Have a back up

If the weather is against you on moving day, make sure you have a backup plan organised, just in case. Removal vans can find it hard to transport heavy loads if there are heavily flooded or snowy roads to navigate. The last thing you want to do is get stranded mid move, especially if you’re in the middle of a lengthy journey. Make sure you plan well ahead and are able to deal with every eventuality, should the worst strike.

Supply items

You might have a well organised plan, with your belongings being transported ahead of you, however it’s likely that  most of your possessions will be in the removal van. Make sure that in your car, as you follow in tow, you have all the supplies you need, from maps and navigation systems (in case you get lost), to snacks and food if you’re taking a particularly long journey. Keep all your important documents in a file and ensure it’s in your vehicle, should it be required at any point during the move.

Get your car serviced.

Ahead of the impending move, make sure that your car is running well and has been recently checked over or serviced. This is especially important if you’re travelling a distance to your new home. The last thing you want to happen is for your journey interrupted by a breakdown, leaving you stranded between homes in the cold weather.

Stay warm

In all likelihood, you’re going to be packing for your move plenty in advance. When it comes to packing your clothes, make sure you leave enough unpacked to cover every eventuality, come moving day.

Time it right

The winter weather and early nights mean that the sooner you can get out on the move, the better. No one wants to be arriving at their final destination late at night, with the dark nights and cold weather to contend with, so ensuring you’re well organised early in the day is essential.

Plan utilities

Ensure that once you arrive at your new home, you have the basics up and running. The cold and dark nature of winter means your new home is unlikely to seem welcoming upon arrival, however having a prior recce and ensuring that your new home has both heating and lights ready for your arrival will help you to immediately settle in.

Quieter season

Despite having to deal with the weather, moving in winter does have positives. The winter season might not seem like an ideal time to be up heaving your life, but the winter season can also reap its benefits, as the market is fairly quiet and the reduction in demand can lead to financial savings

Photo Credit: Pexels