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Mistakes people make when moving abroad

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Moving abroad entails a lot of planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and effective move. However, there are some common expat mistakes that can make settling into your new life much harder.

Very few expats properly plan their move abroad and this lack of planning results in a bumpy ride, and we’re not just talking about the plane journey!

To give you a hand, here are a few common issues that crop up, resulting in expats having a hard time with integration.

One of the hardest hit demographics when it comes to integrating are retired people, they combine with those who work for a British company abroad, apparently finding it much harder to settle in and settle down. This is most commonly down to the fact that they are isolated from the local community to a certain degree.

Those people who work for a British company overseas or who live abroad and perhaps work from home for a British or multinational company will find it very hard to meet new people. Their working day allows them no room for contact with the locals therefore limiting the amount of time spent with people.

Retirees struggle as they have natural way into the new community. Those people that move abroad and work for a local company or who have children in the local schools find it much easier to meet new people. These types of jobs and activities are a great way of leading people into the community, helping them to find their place in society.

It is highly important that you don’t lock yourself away in your house when you move to your new home. Go around and meet the locals, visit your local pub or attend summer fairs and community events. The more you integrate people into your life, the happier you will become in your new home.

Make sure that you learn the local language and lingo so that you don’t feel like an outsider and have means to talk to the locals. Even if you are not perfect, the fact that you are trying will show respect and locals will more likely help you learn more.

If you are moving abroad and need help packing and shipping your products, visit Robinsons removals today, the established international removals company expert in packing and shipping your products to your new home.


Photo Credit:Unsplash