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Move Or Retire Abroad With Robinsons International Removals

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Moving abroad for whatever reason is a big step. Some people pack up their belongings and sell the house to start a fresh new life in another country, others move for a new job- no matter what the purpose is to moving overseas make sure you use Robinsons International Removals.

There are varying considerations to take into account when moving out of the country, especially with regards to the house, the children, any pets and finances. As a UK national you have the right to live in any European Economic Area (EEA) country- so make sure you have got all the essentials prepared and covered before moving or retiring abroad.


If you are retiring abroad, you may want to speak to a professional regarding tax advice about the benefits of offshore banking, as this could reduce your tax liability depending on where you are living.

Inform HM Revenue & Customs Charity, Assets and Residence (Residency) and the International Pension Centre when you move and provide new contact details. Get a State Pension forecast.


To protect your healthcare needs find out before you move about welfare rights abroad as some UK benefits are not payable outside the UK. The actual health care costs may differ so do some research beforehand and notify your doctor, dentist and optician of your move. Health insurance can be taken out.


Notify all utility providers and the local council tax department to let them know you leaving. But make sure you give a forwarding address, especially for the electoral registration. Pay all remaining bills and outstanding payments to avoid being blacklisted and inform your bank. Have all mail forwarded for a re-direction by asking the Post Office and let the children’s schools know you will be withdrawing them from the local authority.

Moving overseas with Robinsons International is stress-free as we have a dedicated international division that focuses purely on moving abroad. Be confident that you will get expert advice from the specialists and rest assured you will be assigned a Moving Manager who will help you through all the processes and removals– right from the very beginning.


Photo Credit: Unsplash