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Moving Abroad? Top Tips To Ease Relationship Stress

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Moving abroad can be a very stressful ordeal, with all the planning, packing and transporting there can be a lot of pressure.

Robinsons International can ease the moving strain with a dedicated Move Manager but what about the tension and anxiety that is put upon your relationship?

According to new research from the Netherlands, the relationship stress suffered by many people who are emigrating is very high and is on par with the same worry many couples experience after the birth of a first child.

So here are some top tips that can help you to kick off your new life abroad, happy and protect your partnership from any damaging effects.


Talk to each other about the concerns you have prior to moving. If one person has reservations and the other is more excited this can easily cause an argument. Sitting down and discussing how you feel in an open and honest manner will only clear the air and enable the fresh start to be clear of any unsolved issues. The saying is true; a problem shared is a problem halved.

– Understand the Consequences

The move may affect the dynamics of your partnership. One person may change, or may be giving up their family or job to move so will in turn act differently to their norm. The relationship working roles may differ or shift; as one who used to be the bread-winner may become the stay-at-home parent. Any confusions or festering feelings can amount to strain and hatred, so pinch it in the butt and understand before you go, what are the consequences of the move.

– Recruit help

Use all your family and friends to help you in the moving process, to lift off some of the pressure which will benefit how you two interact. Get your friends help to pack your belongings and your mum or dad to look after the kids; leaving you time to plan the shipping.

– Think on the bright side

When times are tough sometimes reminding yourself of the positives can help brighten up what is a cloudy day. Before you move abroad, write a list of all the advantages of moving to a foreign country and remind yourself of why you are doing it. Then, when things are starting to look dismal and the bond between you and your partner is becoming heated, you can refer back to the list of positives which will ease the strain.

For help with your International Removals, visit Robinsons International today.


Photo Credit: Unsplash