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Moving day preparations

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

When the big day arrives, it’s vital to be prepared. Whilst it’s a well renowned fact that moving day is a packed and often stressful period, if you prepare well, it can easily be a stress-less and and incident free time. Even if the worst occurs, and something unexpected crops up through the course of your day, if you’re well prepared, any situation can easily be negotiated. Here are our top tips when it comes to making moving day preparations.

Prepare for a long day
We probably aren’t telling you anything new here, as most of us are well aware that the actual moving day will be an action packed, but long day. Make sure you’re well prepared for what is ahead, and although everything will hopefully go smoothly, it’s worth making provisions in case things don’t go exactly to plan. Once the move is over and you’re finally settled in the new home, you’re unlikely to want much fuss. Ensure you’re well prepared for the first evening in your new home, as it’s likely you’ll just want to collapse on a sofa or bed and relax.


Do a final check
You’ll no doubt have the assistance of your removal team for the big day, however that doesn’t mean you don’t need to be present until the last minute, ensuring everything goes according to plan. Make sure you’re the last to leave the house, and do a final sweep to ensure all your belongings are packed and in transit. Do a final sweep of cupboards and surfaces to ensure there isn’t anything at risk of being left.


Have items at hand
Cover every eventuality throughout the duration of your move, as you never know what issues you might have to deal with. It’s important to make sure you’re contactable, so a dependable mobile phone, with full charge is vital for the day. Likewise, you’ll need to have any documentation you may need on the day at hand. We advise keeping all info and forms you may need in a file, which can then be kept at your side for the duration of the days travels.


Check the new place over
Upon arriving at your new home, don’t let the excitement and relief overwhelm you, as there are still important tasks to carry out before the day is over. First of all, it’s important that you make sure all the items, fixtures and fittings that were included in the deal for the sale are present and correct. It’s important to know exactly what should be present in your new home, so in preparation, it’s worth refreshing your memory and perhaps making a list.  It’s also imprtant that you have all your contacts at hand upon arriving in  your property and commencing your checks. If you find any major faults with the property that were missed in the survey, make sure you get in touch with your surveyor at the first opportunity.


Once the day is over and the move is complete, it’s finally time to relax and celebrate. Whilst you might have organised the whole day to perfection, you might not yet be occupying a fully stocked home. After a long day, heading back out to celebrate might not interest you, so spend the evening settling in to your new home, exploring the local takeaway options and toasting your move in the relaxation of your new home is well justified.


Photo Credit: Pexels