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Pre-move chores ahead of moving day

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Moving home is a busy time, and with job after job being added to your ‘to-do’ list, it might seem like your big move is more trouble than it’s worth. There’s no doubting a move can be stressful, however it should also be a time of great excitement. Making sure you’re organised is the crucial aspect of moving, as starting the preparation early should lead to a smooth transition in the time approaching moving day. In order to ensure you aren’t left chasing your tail in the week prior to your move, here are our top five tips to prepare you for the impending move.

Have a clear out
Start off by doing something nice and simple, deciding what you need and what you don’t upon moving into your new home. You’ll find that your house has built up a pile of unwanted, unneeded accessories through the years. See if you can throw out as much as possible to make the whole packing process easier and quicker. Packing excessive amounts can prove to be stressful, especially when  there are some items that can be binned. It will have a huge impact post-move too, the last thing you want is to clutter up your new home with unnecessary junk.

Think long and hard before you begin the packing process, as going into moving with a gung-ho mentality will prove to create more hassle than is necessary. If you don’t make plans then you’ll feel unprepared once the time comes to begin moving. Don’t leave things to the last minute, try to start early and do it bit-by-bit. Why not start by making a to-do list, as it’s an effective way of managing your time. Seeing all the chores written out will allow you to prioritise them, and get an early start on some if possible. Leave around 8 – 12 weeks to organise your move, you should have ample time to get everything sorted.

Ask for help
Don’t be scared of asking for a helping hand. Nearly everyone has gone through the process of moving house at least once in their life, and friends and family should be happy to lend a hand, even if it’s just simple tasks. If you have mountains of furniture and items packed up, try and get some assistance once you’ve had your delivery at the new home. Many people will be willing to help just for the opportunity to nosey around your new house, so don’t feel cheeky asking around. If you’re moving far away, having some help can be a great way to spend time with the people you’re going to miss when you go.

Make sure you have back-up plans
You can almost guarantee some things will not go according to your plans, but that doesn’t mean your move needs to end in disaster. Whether it’s having complications packing up before your move, or services like broadband and television deals not being in place upon your arrival; keep a backup plan ready. Think about alternatives to what you already have organised, sometimes you won’t be able to stop things falling through, so rather than it resulting in mass disruption, make sure you have an alternative plan at the ready to save the day. Allow yourself time and space for things going wrong to avoid everything mounting up.

Get your removals sorted early
Make sure you have the professionals booked and ready plenty in advance. The closer you get to moving day, the more panicked you’ll start to become, especially if you’ve left the main jobs until the last minute. Make sure you book in with us nice and early, as it not only helps the company to fit you in, but will also give you plenty of time to manage your schedule on both the day, and throughout the build up.

Photo Credit: Pexels