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Robinsons Guide On Moving House And Planning A Wedding At The Same Time

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

The saying is true; the two biggest stresses in life are moving home and planning a wedding…but what if you are doing both at the same time?

The stress of selling, buying or renting a new house with all the complexes that comes with it including packing and removals is already a lot of stress to come by. As to, planning a wedding can be extremely daunting from arranging the venue, ceremony, photographer, cake, cars, dress and more.

So it is frightening to think how a newly engaged couple can plan their big day as well as set up their first new home together all at the very same time.

Which is why here at Robinsons International we have pulled together a very detailed, help guide to assist the happy duo on their way to starting a new life together that is exciting and filled with happiness, as opposed to beginning marriage life in the dog house and on bad terms.

– Stress

Obviously the whole ordeal is going to be extremely stressful, so much so that it is in fact unbearable. It isn’t so much the physical strain on one’s body but more so the emotional strain.

The key here is to pull together in this time of need and play on each other’s strengths. Take an hour out each day to spend time together and talk about anything but the house move or wedding. That way it isn’t the sole focus of your lives and you have some breathing space to just enjoy one another’s company rather than pull hair out.

– Plan

Organisational skills have never been more important than ever!

Plan everything in advance so a day is dedicated to either moving house or planning the wedding and do not mix them up. By doing this, the whole day can be devoted to particular tasks so you can structure what needs to be done and by when and things do not go amiss.

It also aids in not confusing the two, so there aren’t any mishaps of sending the wedding ice sculpture to the new house address rather than the venue; or packing away some of the essential wedding items in the ‘to move’ boxes by mistake.

Make A Wish List

An idea which can help you in the processes and limit the amount of work to be done is to reduce how much furniture of belongings that needs to be moved.

Why don’t you start afresh in the new property by putting what you need on your wedding present list so you don’t have to move them with you? This kills two birds with one stone so to speak because your family and friends know what to buy you as wedding gifts and you don’t have as much heavy items needing to be moved.

Another top tip is to label your ‘wedding boxes’ on every side so you know exactly what’s in them and to keep them separate.

Keep the house spic and span

It can be stressful having people round to view your home or running open days. The house needs to be looking and smelling the best that it can which means serious cleaning sessions the night before to give it the best chance of pleasing a viewer. But rather than rushing around last minute to dust, hoover and clean; why don’t you keep on top of all the housework and do little bits here and there so it isn’t such a mammoth chore to clean when you get that exciting call from the estate agent?

– Finances

Understandably, moving home and planning a wedding is very tiresome and straining on finances. Paying removal vans, photographer deposits and monthly mortgage payments can burn a huge hole in your wallet. Make sure you set your budget beforehand and stick to this incredibly strictly; scrimping and saving to make everything work will definitely pay off afterwards.

But be wary of taking out credit cards to cover all the costs, even if the bank promises 0% interest for the first year.

Click here for further advice on moving home…


Photo Credit: Pexels