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Sell your house quicker by de-cluttering the home

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

The best way to improve your home to sell it quickly is to tidy it up, repair any damaged paintwork and to mow the loan, according to a recent survey.

Findings by HSBC reveal that homeowners looking to put their property on the market this year should forget the ambitious and grand plans of renovation and opt to simply de-clutter the home.

Whilst many Britons believe that revamping the bedrooms and redesigning the kitchen are important to increase a property’s appeal to a prospective buyer, experts say that smaller jobs are more significant to make a difference.

The study involved property valuers listing the top priorities to help sell a home and according to the professionals, none of these are major DIY tasks. A massive 93% of experts said that clearing up the house makes a difference and 75% stated repairing paint chips and wall paper.

Further findings showed that cutting the grass and trimming the flower bed ranked in third place as important and this was followed by repairing the fence and gate, replacing old fashioned switches and electric sockets, as well as varnishing the front door.

More simple improvements that you can undertake include cleaning the windows, placing the rubbish bins out of sight, washing the car if it is in the driveway, and planting new flowers in the garden as well as purchasing fresh flowers for indoors.

Incredibly, only 71% of homeowners thought that de-cluttering the house made a difference when putting the property on the market. But follow the expert’s guidance and boost the chances of selling your home this year.

And then when you do score big and accept an offer, make sure you use Robinsons Removals to move home.


Photo Credit: Pexels