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Tips for retiring abroad

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Experts have predicted that one in five pensioners will pack their bags and say goodbye to their British homeland, opting for foreign shores by the year 2050.

Major corporations such as the Institute of Public Policy Research as well as Age Concern, Saga and the government all know that people who are retiring in the UK are moving overseas.

This influx is because:

  1. We are a healthier and wealthier population who are living longer and retiring earlier.
  2. Property costs are cheaper abroad than in the UK so we are getting more for our money.
  3. Low cost airlines have made travel easier and the world a smaller place.
  4. The weather is usually warmer and life is more outdoors and active.
  5. Cost of living is a lot cheaper. Although the weak pound and inflation overseas means that this isn’t always true.

Also, UK residents moving to European Economic Area countries (those with full EU membership plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) will find the process relatively straight forward.

These mutual residential rights means that as a UK citizen you can live in any of these countries. And another bonus is that you can collect your UK state pension in the local currency and it’ll increase annually just as it would in the UK.

People looking to retire to a non-EEA member country may find it more complicated and would most likely require a discussion with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office about the rules and regulations of that country.

If you are looking for any information and advice on moving abroad contact international removalscompany Robinsons removals. They have loads of hints and tips about moving abroad and what things you need to consider. If you are looking for a removal company to do all the hard work for you, then Robinsons removals are the people you need to get in touch with. They can process the whole packing process from shipping your items out to arriving safely in your new destination. For more information visit


Photo Credit: Unsplash