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Top Five Countries for better quality of life

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

If you have the luxury of moving abroad to any destination in the world then you may as well go for a nation renowned for offering its citizens a good standard of living and a high quality of life.

We Britons are famous for owning a home away from home or completely emigrating abroad in a bid to escape the cold weather and head out into the summer sun.

Many of us move abroad for a new job, to retire or to simply start a new life with our family.

In a recent study by The Centre of Future Studies and NatWest International who have just recently released their Quality of Life Index, they have found that Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France and America are the top of the charts when it comes to the lifestyles they offer expats.

So read our little input about the good and not so good reasons you should move to the top 5 quality living locations around the globe.


Australia moved up two places knocking Canada off the number one spot for this year’s 2010 Quality of Life Index. It has now become the best place for international movers to live if they truly want the ideal lifestyle.

The Pros – The climate is pretty good and the ease of integration due to no language barriers and similar cultural beliefs is two of the major reasons to why Brits move to Australia. There are solid professional employment opportunities for those that have the required skills, and as an expat it is very easy to own a property. (69 per cent of expats surveyed in Australia owned a property there as opposed to an average of 31 per cent worldwide)

The Cons – Australians are starting to complain about their country’s immigration policy throwing the ‘multicultural’ card into the frame. Many immigrants from non-western/white/English speaking countries are moving to the land down under and many of the natives are finding it difficult to swallow. This growing country is becoming a problem for some Australians and even the Brits are now becoming one too many for them. Australia is also a million miles away from home so make sure that you are fully prepared to make the move as you could find yourself truly homesick.


Last year, Canada was the number one favourite country until Australia won this year’s top spot. However it really does have a lot to offer its immigrants.

The Pros – Canada has a fantastic immigration policy that is beneficial for all families wanting to settle down together. For example, if your partner has been deemed worthy as an immigrant to the country and granted a visa, then their family can also apply for residency and can be sponsored by the original visa holder.

Canada is keen to keep families together and this is one of the main reasons why immigrants are able to settle in easily.

Canada’s economy has not suffered in the same way as ours in the UK and housing standards and quality of the natural environment are seen as strong positives when considering Canada as a home away from home.

The Cons – Canadian weather is a bit of a downside for many people plus their good immigration policy still requires people to have a lot of dedication, money and a lot of patience to get a residency visa.

New Zealand

New Zealand has become a very popular choice with Britons who are seriously considering moving abroad. New Zealand has always scored well in these league tables and has a lot to offer its immigrants.

The Pros – Easy to integrate into, good healthy way of living and education provision. It is a massive favourite with Britons because it is so easy to settle in because, native Kiwis herald from the UK anyway, and English is the most commonly spoken language. There are systems in place for everything and the government and law procedures are similar to that of the UK.

The Cons – New Zealand has very many similarities to the UK, but it like the UK of times gone past in many area. Some of the locations are basic, even primitive and there is definitely a lack of sophistication the further off the beaten track you go.


France is renowned for its quality of life and works in the favour of many British expatriates. France isn’t perfect, however which is why it narrowly missed the third spot for NatWest’s Quality of Life Index.

The Pros – It is cheap, easy and accessible from all parts of the UK. You can travel across different areas of France and experience an array of different climates and geographical delights.

France also has a wealth of culture and history and has a very good standard of education available. Most property prices are still low and the cost of living is generally a lot less to that of the UK.

The Cons – You do really need a decent standard of French to ever integrate successfully. Healthcare in France isn’t great and isn’t greatly funded so Brits usually need a high level of insurance to top up their level of cover.


America is for the professional expatriates and not a country commonly considered by many retirees. It is also often seen as a temporary destination rather than a permanent new home abroad.

The Pros – If you have employment in America where English is the number one spoken language then you are pretty much set. It isn’t as difficult to get a visa if you have employment out there and their health and education facilities are very high.

The Cons – With America you either love it or you hate it. It is difficult to get a visa and the process can be long. Most of the major cities are easy to adapt to and live in however some parts of America have a major problem with foreigners. There are many fast food restaurants and many don’t like the unhealthy way of living. Healthcare is only good if you can afford it.

If you are looking to move abroad and need help with the shipping of your personal belongings then speak to Robinsons, the international removals company who can safely get your personal belongings to their new destination.

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