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Top tips to move house with the kids this summer

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

There is no better time than now to move house. Moving in the summer reaps tons of benefits; the weather is great for removal vans and the children are off school so they can help.

A lot of labour, time and effort go into moving property. All the belongings need to be packed and wrapped, the kids need to be taken care of and then there is the actual transit which can prove difficult if you are relocating a far distance away.

It is important that they transition is as smooth as possible. Little ones can easily become scared and older offspring can get upset at leaving their friends behind but here are some top tips from to ensure the whole ordeal goes without a hitch.

  • The location where you move is crucial and various aspects need to be taken into account when choosing the destination. Local amnesties like a nursery, school, park, cinema and shopping centre are required.
  • Involve the children’s help to pack their possessions. Give them age-appropriate responsibilities so they feel part of the process and important. By giving them special roles they’ll feel like it is a family experience rather than something which is merely happening.
  • Turn it into a game. Moving house is exciting so play guessing games on what the new house will look like, who will get the biggest room, and who can spot the most red-coloured cars on the journey? Decorate the moving boxes in bright funky colours.
  • Ask them for their opinion and input before choosing a house. Do they want to move and if so what is their dream house? Do they want a similar sized garden? Do they want to stay on a main road or live on an estate? Obviously the decision is ultimately the adults but that doesn’t mean you cannot take their thoughts into account.
  • If you can, take them to the new house or neighbourhood beforehand so they feel more at ease when you eventually move. Show them all the fun spots so it seems less intimidating and register them in local classes or hobbies such as football or gymnastics so they can meet new friends straightaway.
  • If you are travelling a fair distance, keep them entertained with various toys and crayoning activities. Reassure them by keeping out their favourite comfort blanket and this should help them to sleep most of the way.

If you need help to make a house move stress-free, contact us today and let us do all the hard work for you. Call 0808 1495 756 for free moving advice.


Photo Credit: Unsplash