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Top tips to moving back into your parents

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

After living independently, it can be a huge shock moving back into your parents’ house. Many graduates and adults are finding themselves moving back in with their rents due to finance woes and lack of job security.

The Guardian recently published an article with some top tips about moving back in with your mum and dad. According to ONS, almost three million 20-34 year-olds live with their parents which equates to one in seven women and one in three men.

And here is some further guidance from the UK removal experts.


Remember that it is your parents’ property so their rules apply. Whereas beforehand you could do what you wanted because it was your own space, now you need to obey the policies in place. If there is a cleaning schedule, or a curfew, you need to stand by this whether you like it or not. By doing so, it reduces the risk of arguments.

From the start set some ground rules which everyone agrees with such as knocking before entering each other’s rooms; comments on members of the opposite sex staying over, etc.

– Brace yourself

No-one says that it is going to be an easy ride living with your mum and dad so the best way to handle the situation is to prepare yourself mentally. Tell yourself that no matter how annoying the rents become you will breathe and brush it off your shoulders.

Keep some independence

There is a fine line between treating the house like a hotel and living in your parents’ pockets. Do retain some of your independence by going out with your friends but also remember that your parents are doing you a favour so take advantage of the circumstances and try to spend some quality time together. Why not play game night with the whole family?

– Help out

Just because you are living back at home it doesn’t mean that your mum should cook and clean for you as well as wash and dry all your clothes. Help out round the home with day-to-day chores and offer to cook a couple of nights a week. Your mum will definitely appreciate the help and enjoy putting her feet up for a change!

Contribute financially

You may be living at home and saving but you should still pay some sort of rent. Whether you help out financially with the food or bills, you need to offer some sort of payment. Otherwise you’ll forever be in their debt.

If you plan on moving back home and need help transporting all your belongings, look no further than Robinsons Removals.


Photo Credit: Unsplash