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Top Tips To Help Sell Your House

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Selling houses is tough at the moment, especially as the market is so stuck. It is difficult to find a buyer who is willing to pay the value of the property, particularly as the value of homes has decreased significantly.

As with all things in life first impressions matter and a bad first impression can mean the difference between selling the house.

It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to freshen up the home to make it more presentable. There are a few things that you can do to make it more appealing without spending wads of money.

Here are some top tips to impress the potential purchaser and aid in selling the property quicker…

– Tidy up

A house that looks simple and clutter-free enables a house buyer to imagine themselves living there. A blank canvas gives them the opportunity to see their own belongings in there mentally whereas clutter can be distracting and off-putting. So tidy up the rooms and put away DVDs and CDs to make it as minimalistic as possible. This includes cleaning the garden of any overgrown bushes or long lawn.

– Fix and repair odd jobs and touch-ups

Although you don’t have to completely redecorate, fixing the odd bits and bobs will help to sell the home. Fill in any paint chips, clean any scruffs off the walls and put a fresh lick of paint on the front door so it doesn’t look too shabby. As well as inside the property, make sure the front gate and fence panels are presentable as this is the first thing the house buyer will witness.

– Clean

Make sure the windows are see-through and shiny so the buyer can see right through as walking up the driveway. It will give the home a more clean and homely feel, improving your chances of a possible sale. As well as the windows though, make sure the house itself is clean and the bins smell nice; walking past a pile of rubbish is not very charming. What is more, you can tell a lot about a person from their car so clean your motor so it looks sparkly and glossy on the drive.

– As fresh as a daisy

New plants and fresh flowers make the home smell nice as well as give it that personal, homely feel. It gives a better impression and suggests you care about the property. Plus, bright flowers will splash some colour into the rooms, or colour co-ordinate them with the existing décor themes.

So follow these simple tips and then hire Robinsons International as your Removals service


Photo Credit: Pexels