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UK companies consider a move abroad

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Recent reports have found that many UK businesses are considering moving abroad due to the UK tax laws.

Research by THS and commissioned by HM Revenue & Customs, (HMRC) around one 20 per cent of firms have discussed an international  move for tax reasons.

Suggestions have been made that this is down to the fact that 64 per cent of large enterprises feel the burden of bureaucracy has increased over the past year.

Roy Maugham, UHY Hacker Young tax partner, said that this could be a massive problem for Britain.

“If only a small fraction of those companies that have considered relocating did relocate abroad it would decimate the UK tax revenues,” he said.

Mr Maugham also made the point that the Treasury may feel unable to cut business taxes, due to the large risk of losing large revenue providers in more competitive markets.

HMRC would be expected to treat large businesses with care.

This has not gone to plan as many firms are not happy with the state of the UK current affairs market.

The report found that “the vast majority of all tree customer groups rate the overall service received from HMRC in the past year as very or fairly good.”

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Photo Credit: Unsplash