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University Graduates Moving Back Home For Cheaper Rent

Written by Robinsons Relo
Storage Specialist

Moving out of the parent’s nest and going to university to study is a fantastic opportunity to mature and grow as a person.

Living on your own in a new town with no-one you know makes a person really grow and flourish. From everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning, finances and time organisation; it really is a brilliant life experience for a young student to live whilst gaining further education.

But all the independency that is learnt is now going out of the window as graduates go back to square one upon leaving university to go and move back home with their mum and dad.

At 20 plus years old, young adults are moving back and staying in their single-bed bedroom due to renting costs and job shortages and such are losing all the freedom and own space that was created.

And it is unlikely to improve at all as the prediction of 2011 graduates entering the job market is sceptical.

Dubbed the ‘war against the young’, record numbers of college and university graduates are being forced to live back in with the parents simply because they cannot afford to carry on living on their own two feet.

In America alone data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 12.8 million young people under the age of 30 are either working part-time, unemployed, or working at a job that doesn’t require a college degree. In either of these scenarios, a steady income that is safe to pay bills and rent is out of the question.

The biggest downfall to moving back in with the rents is that parents can regress and forgot you are a mature young adult and start to treat you like you’re back in high school. And because you are back in their house their rules apply be it chores, drinking, curfews etc.

What is more, these students that have graduated with degrees are in thousands of pounds worth of debt with no reasonable chance of paying it back. So before they even find work, they owe money.

But as with many graduates, the need and want for their own place and to get out from under the parents’ roof is still ever present.

Need a Removals van to move back in with your folks? Use Robinsons International; the experts in removals and storage facilities.


Photo Credit: Pexels